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Happy Cabbage Farms

Happy Cabbage Farms

Happy Cabbage Farms is an OLCC Producer & Solventless Processor.

Their mission is to guarantee that every single product is made from pure 100% Rosin inputs. They are the purveyors of all things rosin.

They offer a variety of products including Reserve Rosin, Rosin Carts, Rosin Pods, Rosin Gummies, and Blox Singles.

Reserve Rosin is rosin pressed from their highest grade full-melt hash.

Rosin Carts and Rosin Pods are always 100% Live Rosin with no fillers or thinning agents added.

Rosin Gummies are infused with 100% Rosin for a potent experience, made with real fruit juice puree, no artificial coloring, and are vegan.

You can find Happy Cabbage Farms products in Portland, Oregon and Washington

Website: happycabbagefarms.com

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